
Showing posts from August, 2020

Romance Doll (2020)

Romance Doll (Yuki Tanada, My Dad and Mr. Ito ) is really hard to describe, and I swear it's not just because I haven't written a review in months. I kind of remember how to do this... kind of. Romance Doll is just one of those films, a film that at first glance seems like something you wouldn't really enjoy, or maybe something you just don't get, but after a little while, after you've given it a chance, it shows you everything its got, and you're just blown away. It might seem like I'm exaggerating, but truly, I'm not.   Romance Doll is a film about Tetsuo, a recently graduated art student who finds work in a love doll factory, making, well I'm sure you can guess what. Tetsuo isn't all that bothered by the art of love doll making, but his boss is, and quickly they become friends. His boss wants to make the perfect love doll, and to do this, he believes he needs to make moulds of (insert a part of the female body I probably can't mention on...